Rust traits for R users

and how they’ll make your package better


Josiah Parry


March 2, 2023

In the few months that I’ve been programming in Rust nothing has so fundamentally shifted the way that I think about programming—and specifically R packages—as Rust traits. I want to talk briefly about Rust traits and why I think they can make R packages better.

A trait defines a set of behaviors that can be used by objects of different kinds. Each trait is a collection of methods (functions) whose behavior is defined abstractly. The traits can then be implemented for different object types. Any object that implements the trait can then use that method. It’s kind of confusing, isn’t it? Let’s work through the example in The Book™ and how we can implement it in R.

Defining a Trait

We start by defining a trait called Summary which as a single method that returns a String. Note how the definition is rather abstract. We know what the function is and what it returns. What happens on the inside doesn’t matter to use.

trait Summary {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String;

Analogous in R is the definition of an S3 function generic.

It’s only analogous if the trait implements only one method

Summary <- function(x) UseMethod("Summary")

The S3 function generic is essentially saying that there is a new function called Summary and it will behave differently based on the class of object passed to it.

Note that we can’t specify the output type so we may want to create a validator function later

Now we want to define a struct called NewsArticle that contains 4 fields related to the news paper itself.

pub struct NewsArticle {
    pub headline: String,
    pub location: String,
    pub author: String,
    pub content: String,

This is similar to creating a new record in vctrs which is rather similar to using base R.

    headline = character(),
    location = character(),
    author = character(),
    content = character()
  class = "NewsArticle"




[1] "NewsArticle"
    headline = character(),
    location = character(),
    author = character(),
    content = character()
  class = "NewsArticle"

implementing a trait

It’s important that we are able to summarise our newspaper article for the socials ofc—so we need to implement the Summary trait for the NewsArticle struct.

impl Summary for NewsArticle {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}, by {} ({})", self.headline,, self.location)

Notice that the trait is called Summary whereas the method it provides is called summarize(). For the sake of example I’m going to call the R function Summary() throughout the rest of the example. It’s not possible to have a perfect 1:1 relationship between Rust and R ;)

This block defines how the summarize() method will work for a NewsArticle struct. It will create a string in the format of "{title}, by {author} ({location})". In R, we have to define the NewsArticle method for the Summary function which is done by creating a function object with the name signature {Generic}.{class} <- function(...) { . . . }.

Summary.NewsArticle <- function(x) {
    "%s, by %s (%s)",
Summary.NewsArticle <- function(x) {
    "%s, by %s (%s)",
    vctrs::field(x, "headline"),
    vctrs::field(x, "author"),
    vctrs::field(x, "location")

Since Musk’s takeover of twitter, tweets are getting out of hand becoming ridiculously long so we need to be able to summarize them too! So if we define a Tweet struct and a corresponding implementation of Summary we’ll be able to easily summarize them exactly the same way as news articles.

// define the struct
pub struct Tweet {
    pub username: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub reply: bool,
    pub retweet: bool,

// implement the trait
impl Summary for Tweet {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}: {}", self.username, self.content)

Correspondingly in R, we’re going to be working with both Tweets and News Articles. So we need to define a tweet class to contain our tweets and a Summary() method for the new class.

    username = character(),
    content = character(),
    reply = logical(),
    retweet = logical()
  class = "Tweet"




[1] "Tweet"
Summary.Tweet <- function(x) {
  sprintf("%s: %s", x[["username"]], x[["content"]])
    username = character(),
    content = character(),
    reply = character(),
    retweet = logical()
  class = "Tweet"
Summary.Tweet <- function(x) {
    "%s: %s", 
    vctrs::field(x, "username"), 
    vctrs::field(x, "content")

We can now define a function that utilizes this trait that will produce consistent String output in the same format for both tweets and new articles.

pub fn notify(item: &impl Summary) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());

This is huge from the R perspective because we can create a notify() function that calls Summary() and as long as a method if defined for the input class it will work!

notify <- function(item) {
  sprintf("Breaking news! %s", Summary(item))

To test this out lets create a Tweet and a NewsArticle. First we’ll create constructor functions for each.

new_article <- function(headline, location, author, content) {
      headline = headline,
      location = location,
      author = author,
      content = content
    class = "NewsArticle"

new_tweet <- function(username, content, reply, retweet) {
      username = username,
      content = content,
      reply = reply,
      retweet = retweet
    class = "Tweet"
new_article <- function(headline, location, author, content) {
      headline = headline,
      location = location,
      author = author,
      content = content
    class = "NewsArticle"

new_tweet <- function(username, content, reply, retweet) {
      username = username,
      content = content,
      reply = reply,
      retweet = retweet
    class = "Tweet"

Using the constructors we can create a tweet and a news article.

article <- new_article(
  "New Absolut Ad Features Swaying Mom With One Eye Closed Telling Camera She Used To Dance",
  "The Onion", 
  "The ad concludes abruptly with the mother beginning to cry when, for no particular reason, she suddenly remembers the death of Princess Diana."

tweet <- new_tweet(
  "Cat Internally Debates Whether Or Not To Rip Head Off Smaller Creature It Just Met",

We can see how notify works for both of these.

[1] "Breaking news! @TheOnion: Cat Internally Debates Whether Or Not To Rip Head Off Smaller Creature It Just Met"
[1] "Breaking news! New Absolut Ad Features Swaying Mom With One Eye Closed Telling Camera She Used To Dance, by The Onion (Stockholm)"

what this means

This is awesome. This means that any object that we create in the future, as long as it implements the Summary() function for its class we can utilize the notify() function. This comes with a caveat, though—as all good things do.

The Rust compiler ensures that any object that implements the Summary trait returns a single string. R is far more laissez faire than Rust with classes and types. One could create a Summary method for an object that returns a vector of strings. That would break notify. Either notify() should have type checking or you should make sure that your method always produces the correct type.

Implications for R packages

This very simple concept can be transformative for the way that we build R packages. R packages are, for the most part, bespoke. Each one serves their own purpose and works only within its own types or types it’s aware of. But what if an R package could work with any object type? Using this idea we can get from Rust traits, we can do that.

Packages that want to be extensible can make it easy to do so by doing two fairly simple things. Low-level and critical functions should be exported as generic functions. High level functions that perform some useful functionality should be built upon those generics.

An example is the sdf package I’ve prototyped based on this idea. In this case, I have a spatial data frame class that can be implemented on any object that implements methods for the following functions:

An example

The sdf class is a tibble with a geometry column and a bounding box attribute. The function as_sdf() creates an sdf object that tells us what type of geometry is used and the bounding box of it.

Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

Attaching package: 'sdf'
The following object is masked from 'package:sf':

# get some sample data 
g <- sfdep::guerry[, "region"]

Geometry Type: sfc_MULTIPOLYGON
Bounding box: xmin: 47680 ymin: 1703258 xmax: 1031401 ymax: 2677441
# A tibble: 85 × 2
   region                                                               geometry
   <fct>                                                          <MULTIPOLYGON>
 1 E      (((801150 2092615, 800669 2093190, 800688 2095430, 800780 2095795, 80…
 2 N      (((729326 2521619, 729320 2521230, 729280 2518544, 728751 2517520, 72…
 3 C      (((710830 2137350, 711746 2136617, 712430 2135212, 712070 2134132, 71…
 4 E      (((882701 1920024, 882408 1920733, 881778 1921200, 881526 1922332, 87…
 5 E      (((886504 1922890, 885733 1922978, 885479 1923276, 883061 1925266, 88…
 6 S      (((747008 1925789, 746630 1925762, 745723 1925138, 744216 1925236, 74…
 7 N      (((818893 2514767, 818614 2514515, 817900 2514467, 817327 2514945, 81…
 8 S      (((509103 1747787, 508820 1747513, 508154 1747093, 505861 1746627, 50…
 9 E      (((775400 2345600, 775068 2345397, 773587 2345177, 772940 2344780, 77…
10 S      (((626230 1810121, 626269 1810496, 627494 1811321, 627681 1812424, 62…
# … with 75 more rows

This is super cool because we can group by and summarize the data just because we have those above functions defined for sfc objects (the geometry column).

as_sdf(g) |> 
  group_by(region) |> 
  summarise(n = n())
Geometry Type: sfc_MULTIPOLYGON
Bounding box: xmin: 47680 ymin: 1703258 xmax: 1031401 ymax: 2677441
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  region     n                                                          geometry
  <fct>  <int>                                                    <MULTIPOLYGON>
1 C         17 (((710830 2137350, 711746 2136617, 712430 2135212, 712070 213413…
2 E         17 (((801150 2092615, 800669 2093190, 800688 2095430, 800780 209579…
3 N         17 (((729326 2521619, 729320 2521230, 729280 2518544, 728751 251752…
4 S         17 (((747008 1925789, 746630 1925762, 745723 1925138, 744216 192523…
5 W         17 (((456425 2120055, 456229 2120382, 455943 2121064, 456070 212219…

Say we want to create a custom Point class that we want to be usable by an sdf object. We can do this rather simply by creating the proper generics. A Point will be a list of length 2 numeric vectors where the first element is the x coordinate and the second element is the y coordinate.

# create some points
pnt_data <- lapply(1:5, \(x) runif(2, 0, 90))

# create new vector class
pnts <- vctrs::new_vctr(pnt_data, class = "Point")

[1] 53.59747, 75.12560  25.34989, 51.07764  8.542277, 19.890635
[4] 52.60644, 68.45127  16.40016, 75.16829 

Now we can start defining our methods. is_geometry() should always return TRUE for our type. We can do this like so:

is_geometry.Point <- function(x) inherits(x, "Point")

This method will only be dispatched on Points so it will always inherit the Point class. One could just as well always return TRUE

Next we need to define a method for the bounding box. This is the the maximum and minimum x and y coordinates. Our method should iterate over each point and extract the x and y into their own vector and return the minimum and maxes. These need to be structured in a particular order.

bounding_box.Point <- function(.x) {
  x <- vapply(.x, `[`, numeric(1), 1)
  y <- vapply(.x, `[`, numeric(1), 2)
  c(xmin = min(x), ymin = min(y), xmax = max(x), ymax = max(y))

Lastly, we need a way to combine the points together. In this case, we can just “combine” the points by finding the average point. This is not geometrically sound but for the sake of example it suffices. Note that the type it returns always has to be the same! There is not a compiler forcing us, so we must force ourselves!

combine_geometry.Point <- function(.x) {
  x <- vapply(.x, `[`, numeric(1), 1)
  y <- vapply(.x, `[`, numeric(1), 2)
    list(c(mean(x), mean(y))), 
    class = "Point"

With only those 3 functions we’ve defined enough to create an sdf object where the geometry column is a Point vector. To illustrate this we can use the ggplot2 diamonds data set for example since it has nice x and y coordinates.

First we create a data frame with a Point column.

data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")

diamond_pnts <- diamonds |> 
    pnts = vctrs::new_vctr(
      purrr::map2(x, y, `c`),
      class = "Point"
  ) |> 
  select(cut, pnts)

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  cut             pnts
  <ord>        <Point>
1 Ideal     3.95, 3.98
2 Premium   3.89, 3.84
3 Good      4.05, 4.07
4 Premium   4.20, 4.23
5 Good      4.34, 4.35
6 Very Good 3.94, 3.96

Next we cast it to an sdf object by using as_sdf().

diamond_sdf <- as_sdf(diamond_pnts) 
Geometry Type: Point
Bounding box: xmin: 0 ymin: 0 xmax: 10.74 ymax: 58.9
# A tibble: 53,940 × 2
   cut             pnts
   <ord>        <Point>
 1 Ideal     3.95, 3.98
 2 Premium   3.89, 3.84
 3 Good      4.05, 4.07
 4 Premium   4.20, 4.23
 5 Good      4.34, 4.35
 6 Very Good 3.94, 3.96
 7 Very Good 3.95, 3.98
 8 Very Good 4.07, 4.11
 9 Fair      3.87, 3.78
10 Very Good 4.00, 4.05
# … with 53,930 more rows

Notice that the printing method shows Geometry Type: Point and also has a Bounding box:. That means we have effectively extended the sdf class by implementing our own methods for the exported generic functions from sdf. From that alone the sdf methods for dplyr can be used.

diamond_sdf |> 
  group_by(cut) |> 
  summarise(n = n())
Geometry Type: Point
Bounding box: xmin: 5.507 ymin: 5.52 xmax: 6.247 ymax: 6.183
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  cut           n               pnts
  <ord>     <int>            <Point>
1 Fair       1610 6.246894, 6.182652
2 Good       4906 5.838785, 5.850744
3 Very Good 12082 5.740696, 5.770026
4 Premium   13791 5.973887, 5.944879
5 Ideal     21551 5.507451, 5.520080

Why this works

The dplyr sdf methods work like a charm because they use generic functions. Take the summarise() method for example.

function(.data, ...) {
  geom_col_name <- attr(.data, "geom_column")
  geom_col <- .data[[geom_col_name]]
  gd <- group_data(.data)

  summarized_geoms <- lapply(gd$.rows, function(ids) combine_geometry(geom_col[ids]))

  res <- NextMethod()

  res[[geom_col_name]] <- rlang::inject(c(!!!summarized_geoms))

<bytecode: 0x1066d0b00>
<environment: namespace:sdf>

This method uses the combine_geometry() generic function. combine_geometry() takes a vector of geometries (as determined by is_geometry()) and returns a single element. The summarise method does not care which method is used. It only cares that the output is consistent—in this case that a scalar value is outputted and that multiple of those scalars can be combined using c().

Another example

For a more detailed example check out the section in the README that implements an sdf class for geos geometry. If you’re interested in the details I recommend looking at the source code it is very simple.

First look at the generic method definitions. Then look at the sf compatibility methods.