When I was flying back from the Spatial Data Science Across Langauge event from Frankfurt to Atlanta the plane I was bored beyond measure. The plane had no wifi to connect to. I had already watched a movie and couldn’t be bothered by a podcast. I wanted to know where I was.
When looking at the onboard “About this flight” information, they didn’t show a map even. The gave us our coordinates in degrees and minutes. Helpful right?
Well, in an attempt to figure out where the hell I was I wrote some code. Here it is.
Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
udunits database from /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library/units/share/udunits/udunits2.xml
#' Given degrees and minutes calculate the coordinate#' in degreesas_degree <-function(degrees, minutes) { d <-set_units(degrees, "arc_degrees") m <-set_units(minutes, "arc_minutes") |>set_units("arc_degrees") d + m}# get the country shapesx <- rnaturalearthdata::countries50 |>st_as_sf() # filter to North Americausa <- x |> dplyr::filter(continent =="North America", subregion =="Northern America") |>st_geometry() # Create a bounding box to crop myself to crp <-st_bbox(c(xmin =-128, xmax =0, ymin =18, ymax =61))# plot N. Americausa |>st_cast("POLYGON") |>st_as_sf() |>st_filter(st_as_sfc(crp) |>st_as_sf(crs =st_crs(usa)) ) |>plot()# add planes location.plot(st_point(c(-as_degree(61, 19), as_degree(57, 46))),add =TRUE,col ="red",pch =16)